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Retreat to India Orientation (Zoom)

Ever wanted to visit a real, operating, ancient ashram in India? Here's your chance. October 24 a group of travelers will venture toward the Thar desert to join one of many programs offered at Shri Jasnath Asan (ashram), the oldest operating Yoga Therapy institution on the planet. At 600 years, the fortress is home to Shridevi Wellness Center, Rajasthan Hatha Yoga Institute, and Kathana Publishing. Come to the meeting to hear about the programs being offered and how you can take advantage of traveling to a far off place in a group of like-minded seekers to stay awhile at the ashram, and perhaps move on to see more of India with a veteran tour guide.

March 6

Food to Bone: Ayurvedic Nutrition to Balance the GI

April 3

Spring Cleanse